Step 1 - Housekeeping

  • Install all updates which are pending on the Mac
  • Update your xcode and agree to all the TOS things - xcode-select --install
  • Update Brew brew update

Step 3

Create your project directory - mkdir tweets and cd to it - cd tweets

Step 4

Add files to lock-down which version of ruby and which gemset you will be using.

Get latest version here:

File 1 - .ruby-gemset
 echo "tweet_rails514" > .ruby-gemset
File 2 - .ruby-version
echo "ruby-2.4.1" > .ruby-version

Step 5

install ruby - rvm install ruby 2.4.1

Step 6

go in and out the directory so rvm ruby-version and ruby-gemset lock can kick in

cd .. && cd tweets
rvm current

Step 7 - install pre-requisites

install the following gems. Once we have these gems then we can use them to get the rest of the gems and manage all gems from bundler & gemfile.

gem install bundler
gem install nokogiri
gem install rails  --version=5.1.4


  • here I am installing the latest version of rails.
  • If installation of nokogiri fails then refer to this guide:

Step 8

create the rails app, follow it up by installation of all the dependent gems

cd ~/code/tweets
rails _5.1.4_ new . --database=postgresql --api -f
bundle install

Note: here since I am in the tweets directory I am using a . as where I want the Rails App to be built.

Step 9

create the databases, scaffold and migrations.

rake db:setup
rails g scaffold Tweet username:string message:text the_date:datetime
rake db:migrate

Note: use an app like Postico to verify that the databases were created.

Step 10

run the rails server and make a hit to get the tweets

rails s

Step 11

Add Hirb -

coming soon

Step 12

Setting up Git

coming soon

Step 13 - Enable Cross Site Requests

Option 1
gem 'rack-cors', :require => 'rack/cors'

Then update application.rb to allow cross site requests

config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
      allow do
        origins '*'
        resource '*', :headers => :any, :methods => :any

Check that rack-cors is on the top of the middleware stack - bundle exec rake middleware

do not send credentials header as part if the request from the front end as it prevents doing * for origins in the response.

// axios.defaults.withCredentials = true; // do not add this line.

Read the gotchas on the github readme

Option 2

add the CORS headers in nginx.

location / {
  add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" "true";
  add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*";
  add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" "GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE";
  add_header "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" "x-requested-with";
  add_header Cache-Control "public";
  expires 1200s;

Using postman to start off the API’s

Adding Devise

add database columns to model comments

adding testing framework

Jbuilder or AMS






gem ‘annotate_models’ rails g annotate:install skip_on_db_migrate=true|false gem ‘awesome_print’


