
We have a large number of records (~100,000+). We need to save these records in our database.

The first time these records are fetched we will be inserting them. Next time they are fetched we will be updating previously inserted records and inserting only the newly fetched records.



data = [
   name: "Sandeep",
   email: ""
   name: "Rodrigo",
   email: ""

data.each do |item|
  user = User.find_or_initialize(:email =>
  user.udpate_attributes item

Here we are looping through all the records, and call find_or_initialize on each records by its unique identifier of email. find_or_intialize is a cool rails helper which returns a record either an existing one, or a newly initialized, not yet persisted, record. In the next step we are updating this record with all the params available.

Although cool, this strategy fails miserably when processing a high number of recorders.

  • It is O(N).
  • It opens and closes a transaction every time it goes through the loop.
  • It attempts to updating record where nothing changed
  • It fires all of the model callbacks.


ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
  data.each do |item|
    user = User.find_or_initialize(:email =>
    user.udpate_attributes item

Here by wrapping all the requests in 1 transaction, we are saving on opening and closing N transactions. This is certainly an improvement over the previous solution, but still wont cut it when processing a large number of records. This is primarily because its making 2N transactions.


add_index :users, :email, :unique => true

inserts = data.each_with_object([]) do |item, arr|
  name = ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(
  email = ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(
  arr <<  "insert into users(email ,name) VALUES(#{email}, #{name}) " +
          "ON CONFLICT(email) DO UPDATE SET name=#{name}"

ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
  inserts.each do |insert|

First i am adding a unique index on email. I need this because I am going to be inserting all the records fetched. By having a unique index, the database will do the work of rejecting a record being inserted which already exists.

Then I am using the On Conflict option of the Insert, specifying the kind of conflict and then specfying it do an update when there is a conflict.

Also I am using a raw sql to do the actual insert.

This approach is now a lot better than our earlier attempts.


inserts = data.each_with_object([]) do |item, arr|
  name = ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(
  email = ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(
  arr <<  "(#{email}, #{name}) "

sql_string = "insert into users(email ,name)"+
          " VALUES #{inserts.join(',')}"+
          " ON CONFLICT
          DO UPDATE SET
            name ="


In this approach we are making exactly 1 SQL call. Its O(1). We do this by doing providing multiple values to the insert statement and using the special keyword excluded to access the value being inserted when there is a conflict.